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The Paper Parnassus
Digital facsimiles

This series of digital facsimiles allows users to view particularly precious and important manuscripts, which cannot be consulted in the reading room on a regular basis. It is thus possible to sift through the pages of masterpieces that are otherwise difficult to read. Also, users can focus on details, enlarge them, and compare these books with other sources, either just out of curiosity or to do research.

  1. Bartolomeo Ammannati’s drawing notebook (Ed. rara 120)
  2. Piero della Francesca’s copy of Archimedes’ works (Ricc. 106)
  3. Frederick II’s book of psalms (Ricc. 323)
  4. The legends of St. Margaret and St. Agnes (Ricc. 453)
  5. The Riccardi manuscript of Virgil’s works (Ricc. 492)
  6. Boccaccio’s copy of Dante’s Divine comedy (Ricc. 1035)
  7. Giovan Battista Belluzzi (Il Sanmarino), Treatise on land fortresses (Ricc. 2587)




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