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Archimedes, Treatises (Ricc. 106)

Professor James Banker’s studies have confirmed that Piero della Francesca transcribed this manuscript collecting many of Archimedes’ works. To reach these conclusions, Professor Banker carefully compared MS. Ricc. 106 with other manuscripts that are known to be in Piero’s hand, such as here in Florence the Trattato d’abaco preserved in MS Ashb. 359 of the Biblioteca Laurenziana. This codex (which has always been property of the Riccardi family) sheds further light on Piero as a scholar by revealing his precise knowledge of math and the notions that support his studies on perspective. Evidence of the latter can also be found in about 200 drawings (some of which are remarkably complex) that punctuate the margins of this codex, showing both graphic perfection and a most skillful hand. Piero’s drawings of spirals (one of the topics discussed by Archimedes) stand out as particularly beautiful.

This digital facsimile has been realized by Edizioni Grafica European Center of Fine Arts


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